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Husband unhappy and disappointed in the erectile dysfunction during sex while his wife sleeping on the bed

When Do Men Need Low Testosterone Treatment?

When Do Men Need Low Testosterone Treatment?

You have probably seen any number of ads on the television and online about low T. They seem to indicate that this is a growing national problem and all men should begin taking medication to correct their testosterone deficiency and become more “manly men.” It might be time to slow down this growing snowball down the mountain,

Senior female patient consulting her physician or doctor on account of chronic neck pain caused

What To Do When Your Doctor Won’t Take Your Chronic Pain Seriously

What To Do When Your Doctor Won’t Take Your Chronic Pain Seriously

Like any human, physicians have good days and bad days. They may have personal problems they are dealing with. They are trying to see every patient on their schedule every day without falling behind. With all that said, what should you do if it seems like they just want to move on to the next patient,